Live Better for Longer
Body Therapy and Fitness
in San Francisco
About Aedra

I founded my practice in 2013 providing in-home yoga and movement coaching 1:1 for people looking to age gracefully and recover from injuries.
I've worked with a broad range of individuals: from competitive athletes, to C-level Executives, to patients with long term disabilities. I've taught over 8000 hours of Yoga, Meditation, and Pilates, and co-ran a well known Yoga Teacher Program in Palo Alto. Whilst I work with a broad base of clientele, they all value the same thing: highly personalized care.
I’m a licensed Occupational Therapist qualified to provide medical rehabilitation to people suffering from a wide range of conditions. I combine evidence-based techniques to create tailored sessions for you. I’m not your typical physiotherapist, personal trainer, or bodyworker, rather I collaborate with you to rethink how you move in all aspects of your life.
Note: my legal name is Alexandra Ho and my license can be found under this name.
Book a free phone consultation
Please fill out the form below to schedule a 15 minute phone call. We'll discuss your symptoms and see if we're a good fit to work together.